Thursday, August 18, 2016

Storybook Favorites

1. The Tales of Garden Creatures
I enjoyed reading through this Storybook, and I thought the topic was cute and interesting and it got my attention. It let me know what the story was about and although I figured it would be about fairies or gnomes, I wasn't entirely sure. It's not something I know a lot about but also not something I'm unfamiliar with. The introduction was creative and well put together, I wasn't confused or anything and it made me want to keep reading. The way the page looks and was put together is what really got my attention aside from the title, it was a good looking page that was easy to navigate.

2. Mermaid Tales of the World
This Storybook, much like the other one, caught my attention because of the title. What girl doesn't like mermaids, right? Especially since there is some speculation that they really exist (not saying I buy that, though.) I thought the introduction was very creatively done, the way it was described as a journal that you've stumbled upon and tells you that mermaids are alive. I definitely wanted to read on. The way the page was setup was a lot like the other one as well, very simple and easy to navigate, I didn't find myself confused at all. The pictures were very nice as well.

The Little Mermaid by vkacademy
(Image from Mermaid Tales of the World)

Another thing I really have an interest in are ghosts, I love reading ghost stories, watching ghost shows and so on. This page was a bit different because it didn't have a section blatantly labeled "introduction", but it wasn't too hard to figure out what the introduction was meant to be, which is just another creative way of doing it. I liked the approach of it being a diary that someone was writing in, and that just kind of added to the creepy aspect. The page itself looked a lot like the first Storybook, and I really like how it looks. I don't get lost looking for anything or lost in weird color fonts and sizes. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks great, Toni — and I remember all three of these projects very well... and the one about the Garden Creatures is a new one, from last semester. As you can see already, there is a wide variety of topics that people do but, even more importantly, they come up with their own ways of telling the story, bringing the characters to life in their own imagination first (like you did with your men of Gotham). And if you like ghost stories, you will find ghost stories from all over the world! That might be a fun topic to explore next week when you start looking at possible project sources. Here are some GHOST BOOKS (just click on the title and it will take you to that book's entry in the free online book library for this class... so many books!)
