Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Notes Part A: Ramayana

The first thing to note in this story is the relationship between Rama and Sita. Not only were they chosen for each other through Rama's great deeds and strength, but they also were very happy together. It would be interesting to make Rama a weak coward or to make Sita bored or unimpressed by him in an "Aladdin" type of feel. This could change many events throughout the story, or maybe the two could come together for different reasons.

I like the idea of Rama and Sita meeting each other for different reasons than what the story tells. Perhaps they marry in spite of their parents wishes and have to sneak around. One of them could be poor while the other is rich yet they still fall in love.

The couple are so friendly and loving with each other that it would be interesting if they were not. They could hate each other and despise the relationship there parents had arranged for them, both wanting to be with other people.

Another critical moment to note is Rama's fathers vow that had him sent into exile. Many things could be changed here to send the story in a completely different direction. Rama's father could have died to prevent exile or the woman could have not wanted his exile in the first place. 

Suddenly while reading Rama and Sita talking about his exile, I thought of Romeo and Juliet. This somehow seems like it could go in a very tragic direction. If Sita was not allowed to go with Rama, would she kill herself out of sorrow?

Ramayana as found in Mackenzie's Indian Myth and Legend 

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