Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8 Reflections

It's hard to believe we are already halfway through the semester. It has definitely been an interesting one. I have gotten this class down and I now know what is expected of me in this class. For my readings, I feel that I should explore more and find something I'm more interested in. There were a couple of stories that I just clicked on and started reading just to get the assignment done, but I found myself bored and it was very difficult to do my reading notes. I think that there are an endless amount of options and that I should try to find something that suits me.

The same goes for my storytelling. Some of my stories suffered because I was not as interested in my reading. I did go out of my comfort zone several times, changing my style and letting myself have fun with it. In that sense, I feel like I grew a lot in my writing. I would like to try to work even harder at that and push myself farther. I enjoy it more if I make it completely my own. I never knew how creative I could be, and when I allow myself to not hold back on that creativity I end up coming up with some great stories. I'm most happy with where my storybook is heading. I think since I am most interested in it, it has turned out to be the best thing I have done.

I get a lot out of reading other people's stories. Many people are so creative and have great ideas. It gives me ideas to do things that I haven't yet. One thing that I have yet to really do is take an old story and put it in current times. I kind of have done it, but not in the same way that I see my fellow classmates doing it. I admire their writing a lot. One thing that I see some people do that I try to avoid is putting too much or too little dialogue. It is the critique I give and see given most often. It is a very tricky thing in writing. Too much and there isn't enough description, and too little and it just gets boring. I try to give good feedback, but I know that I am often too nice. I always say that I loved their story even if maybe I didn't. All the stories are good in their own way, but if the story needs work I should probably just find a nice way to tell them that instead of saying it was perfect.

Image result for reflection

1 comment:

  1. Hey Toni,
    I can definitely relate to this. Some weeks, I found myself not interested at all in the readings, which made storytelling and reading notes extremely difficult. I would find myself sitting for hours to just come up with ideas. It has also helped me to read other people’s stories. It gives me an idea of what to write.
